Don't send out your bulk emails before using this tool!

Today, I highlight a common problem of emails landing in spam or skipping inboxes, which can lead to losing clients and users. They introduce a solution to this problem by using, a free tool for performing email deliverability tests.

LinkedIn Text Only Posts

Good morning  LinkedIn posts that contain just text do REALLY well.  I could just end this weeks ninja tip right there, but I won't as I'm sure you have questions as to why? I know I did when I first discovered this fact. But first, here is an screenshot from my text based post that was published on Tuesday 17th Jan 2023... 1500 characters / 200 words, with 3 great hashtags and a few great tags. Over 2,500 views. Not bad at all. But why did LinkedIn want to push this content into over 2,500 ...

Tik-Tok and LinkedIn

Using Tik-Tok alongside LinkedIn - How to maximise your success using these 2 platforms

The Free Gift - This Week's Making Digital Real Ninja Tip

This weeks Ninja Tip is exactly as the title says, the free GIFT! What is it that you can offer to your audience as a gift? Why would a potential client ever want to enter your world, unless you give them a reason to do so? 

Podcasts - This Weeks Making Digital Real Ninja Tip of the Week

Podcasts are what I call a pure marketing channel, and are seriously powerful when it comes to standing out in a crowd (remember my Ninja Tip a little while back on digital pollution)? So, this week, I picked out just a couple of ways that podcasts can be an absolute powerhouse when it comes to making digital real in your business.

Reposting vs Sharing - Ninja Tip of the Week 9

There's been a few LinkedIn changes during October, and one that went under the radar was the new option to share / repost other peoples posts. And this one is great for you AND the person who's content you're sharing.

LinkedIn Ads - Ninja Tip of the Week 8

I get asked all the time about LinkedIn ad's, and whether it's worth paying LinkedIn to distribute my content. My answer is never as straightforward as people want it to be, but I decided to run a paid ad's campaign last week, so you can see the results and decide for yourself.

Ninja Tip of the Week #7 - Pinning Comments on LinkedIn

Morning . This weeks tip is a goodie! Did you know, you can now pin a comment within the LinkedIn post reply section? I'm loving this feature, and I'll tell you why... LinkedIn has long enabled business page users to pin your latest content on your LinkedIn company page, enabling you to show your top posts at the top of your business page profile. And now the pin comments feature is available in your profile posts! Imagine being able to highlight the best ...

Ninja Tip Of The Week #6 - MemberVault

This week, my Ninja Tip is more of a recommendation than an actual tip, but I think this one will be useful for many of you. I wanted to introduce you to an online tool that I use to pretty much run my entire business on, and it's called MemberVault!

Making Digital Real - Ninja Tip of the Week #5 - LinkedIn Newsletters

Most business owners know the importance of having a newsletter to keep their audience up to date and engaged with everything going on in their niche or industry. Have you tried creating your first newsletter in LinkedIn? It's pretty awesome, and gives you plenty of ways to be creative (unlike standard LinkedIn posts). The feature is free, but your profile does need to have Creator Mode turned on, and you also need to have made a post within the past several months in order ...


Making Digital Real Blog Posts & Ninja Tip of the Week

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